Know Everything About Elasmosaurus Fossils

Fossil Age Minerals
3 min readMay 24, 2023


Elasmosaurus is a genus of marine reptiles that lived during the Late Cretaceous period, approximately 80 million years ago. Therefore, it is known for its distinctive long neck, which accounted for more than half of its total body length. Elasmosaurus fossils have been found primarily in North America, particularly in the western United States, including Montana, Wyoming, and Kansas.

Elasmosaurus was a large and powerful predator, reaching lengths of up to 40 feet (12 meters). Its body was streamlined and adapted for life in the ocean, with four flippers that allowed efficient swimming. The neck of Elasmosaurus was extremely long, consisting of an astonishing 72 vertebrae. Hence, it is the longest neck relative to the body size of any known animal.

The skull of Elasmosaurus was small and equipped with sharp elasmosaurus teeth, indicating its carnivorous diet. Moreover, it likely fed on a variety of prey, including fish, squid, and other marine reptiles. The long neck of Elasmosaurus enabled it to ambush its prey from a distance, using its flexible neck to strike quickly and accurately.

Elasmosaurus have provided valuable insights into the anatomy and evolution of marine reptiles during the Late Cretaceous. Therefore, one notable discovery is that the original placement of the head on Elasmosaurus was initially misunderstood. Early reconstructions incorrectly depicted the head at the end of the long neck. Additionally, it would have made it impossible for the creature to lift its head out of the water. Subsequent fossil discoveries and scientific analysis revealed that the head was on a relatively short neck, enabling the animal to raise its head above the water’s surface to breathe.

More About Elasmosaurus Fossils

In addition to the general characteristics of Elasmosaurus teeth fossils, some specific aspects are worth mentioning. However, the first Elasmosaurus fossil was discovered in 1867 by the famous paleontologist Edward Drinker Cope. Its initial finding consisted of an almost complete skeleton, except for the skull. Cope mistakenly placed the skull at the end of the tail due to the long neck. It resulted in an inaccurate reconstruction. Moving Forward, it sparked a debate known as the “Bone Wars” between Cope and his rival, Othniel Charles Marsh.

Since then, numerous fossils have been found, providing a more accurate understanding of its anatomy. Most of these fossils consist of partial skeletons, but several nearly complete specimens have also been uncovered. These well-preserved fossils have allowed scientists to study various aspects of Elasmosaurus in greater detail. It includes its skeletal structure, locomotion, and feeding habits.

One notable feature of fossils is the presence of gastroliths, smooth stones found in the stomach region. Likewise, the creature likely ingested these stones to aid in the digestion of its food. The discovery of gastroliths provides insights into the dietary habits of Elasmosaurus and suggests that it may have consumed hard-shelled prey, such as mollusks or crustaceans.

Furthermore, some Elasmosaurus have shown evidence of injuries or pathologies, indicating the challenges and dangers these animals faced during their lifetime. For instance, fossilized vertebrae with signs of healed fractures suggest that Elasmosaurus individuals could endure and recover from injuries, emphasizing their resilience in the ancient marine environment.

The study of Elasmosaurus fossils has also shed light on the broader ecosystem in which they lived. Fossils found in association with Elasmosaurus remains include those of other marine reptiles, fish, ammonites, and various marine invertebrates. Thus, this fossil evidence provides clues about the coexistence and interactions among different species within the Late Cretaceous marine environment.

Make Your Own Personal Ancient History Collection With Fossils!

The Elasmosaurus is undoubtedly a fascinating creature, as detailed in the previous paragraphs. However, for those captivated by its allure and interested in owning a fossil of this magnificent marine reptile, there are avenues to explore. Fossil Age Minerals presents an excellent opportunity for enthusiasts to acquire a variety of minerals and fossils, including Elasmosaurus fossils and fish fossils.

With their extensive selection, browsing their website unveils a treasure trove of remarkable specimens. Whether seeking a unique addition to a personal collection or an extraordinary gift for a loved one, these fossils from Fossil Age Minerals offer an intriguing glimpse into prehistoric times.



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